We protect the foundation of life on Earth – wilderness.

For life, livelihoods, and love
View WILD11 Outcomes

MARCH 19-26, 2020

WILD11 is the globally-focused, Indian-led biodiversity answer to the dual existential emergencies of extinction and climate breakdown. Humanity needs wild nature to survive and thrive. Hundreds of millions of people around the world and within India can drastically benefit from greener cities and more abundant nature. WILD11 is mobilizing leaders and solutions from around the world and all sectors of society to protect and expand our best ally in the fight to halt climate change: wilderness and the nature-based solutions it provides.


The WILD11 program is live and packed with speakers and events that will help propel wild nature to the top of the international agenda in a historic year for the protection of Earth’s biosphere. Check it out!



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WILD10 (2013)

REWILDING EUROPE: Restoring wilderness restores the balance of life

A watershed moment for the restoration of wilderness in Europe occurred at WILD10 and in the processes leading up to the Congress. By taking on the issue of “rewilding Europe,” WILD10 placed the restoration of Europe’s wildlands on the public and institutional agenda, starting a necessary movement that has since seen the return of the wolf to all European countries, in addition to numerous other conservation successes.

WILD9 (2009)

CONTINENTAL PROTECTIONS: The North American Wilderness and Protected Area Agreement

The natural boundaries of wildlands do not fall easily within political borders. Many species migrate across continents – effectively protecting them requires coordination across national boundaries. This is the rationale behind the North American Wilderness and Protected Area Agreement, (NAWPA) born during WILD9 at the request of North American land management agencies. NAWPA continues to coordinate, meeting annually, for more effective conservation land management.

WILD6 (1998)

ASIAN WILDERNESS: Introducing the wilderness idea to Asia

WILD6 elevated wilderness in the institutional agendas of Asian land management agencies, introducing the concept of “protected wilderness status” – places where nature is left alone to fulfill its destiny – where no such concept had previously existed. By starting the wilderness conversation with these agencies, WILD6 structured previously-unforeseen opportunities for the protection of wild places.

WILD5 (1993)

WILDERNESS & INDIGENOUS USE: Sustainably managing polar wilderness with local communities

WILD5 united the protection of wilderness with the protection of traditional Arctic culture, paving the way for new dialogue and policies that simultaneously protect the rights of nature and the Indigenous Peoples who have sustainably stewarded the environment for millennia.

WILD4 (1987)

CONSERVATION FINANCE: New tools for the protection of wildlife and wild places

WILD4 proposed the establishment of a world conservation bank, the first call for new conservation finance mechanisms. This eventually culminated in the establishment of the World Bank’s Global Environmental Facility, which has since contributed billions of dollars of investment in the environment.